Revel Ride

9205 Ventnor Avenue, Margate, NJ 08402

“To Revel” means to take great pleasure. If you revel in something, you’re not just pleased or excited; you’re moved by it.

When we decided to open a spin studio, we thought about all of the reasons that people love indoor cycling. As we continued to talk to people, one thing remained consistent, spinning is not, “one size fits all.” While the concept is generally the same (pedaling to catchy music in a dimly lit environment), there are certain qualities that draw some people to one type of class and others to a class that is entirely different.

At Revel Ride, we offer 3 types of class; Ride, Rhythm and Power.

Our Revel in the Rhythm class focuses heavily on choreography and encourages the group to move in unison with the beat of the music.

If you’re driven by numbers such as RPM’s and watts, (because they make you feel more accountable), our Revel in the Power class might be more your speed.

And for those of you not sure what you’re looking for in a spin class other than a fun, full-body workout that will leave you toned and covered in sweat, we offer Revel in the Ride – a hybrid class that will appeal to riders at any level.

We are confident that regardless of your personality or preference, we will provide an experience that you won’t just love – you’ll revel in it.