Le Tour Registration Form

  • Please select the number of riders registering. The price is $25 per person, discounted to $20 per person for 4 or more.

Le Tour Registration Form

  • Please select the number of riders registering. The price is $25 per person, discounted to $20 per person for 4 or more.

Disclaimer: Course subject to change. Tour De Downbeach reserves the right to remove any individual from the Tour. Reasons for this include but are not limited to, unsafe conduct, not wearing a helmet, non-payment of Tour fees etc. I hearby waive and release the Tour De Downbeach organizers, sponsors, Margate Business Association its members and the Cities of Ventnor, Margate, Atlantic and Borough of Longport from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of participation in the Tour De Downbeach by myself or registered family members. Due to inclement weather on raindate, event will be cancelled and there will be no make-up day. No Refunds.