On Thursday, July 6, the annual Margate Business Association’s Daniel and Maria Walters Scholarship Program announced this year’s recipients who each received a $2,500 scholarship. The two graduating seniors are Mary Wagner from Atlantic City High School and Claire Brooks from Ocean City High School. Both students, along with other Margate resident participants, were required to submit adult references, a list of school volunteer/service activities they participate in, special honors or awards, and a 250-350 words essay dealing with the topic, Book Banning. In their essays, students identified a book that they felt should never be included on a list of banned books and explained their reasons why. A panel of impartial judges selected the two winners who received their scholarships at a special ceremony at the Margate Library along with Mayor Michael Collins. Mary Wagner will attend Villanova University in the fall planning a major in finance, and Claire Brooks will pursue a marketing degree at the University of Wisconsin (Madison). Both students are distinguished scholars, academic athletes, members of the National Honor Society, and volunteers for numerous school and community organizations.
The scholarships are funded in part from proceeds from the annual MBA wine tasting, to be held for the 20th time on Friday, July 28th at 6pm at the Edgmar Circle Recreation field. The event features the band The Usual Suspects, a wine and spirits tasting, food and an array of auction items. For more information and to buy tickets visit MargateHasMore.com.
Since its inception, the scholarship program has awarded over $125,000 in aid for higher education to high school seniors who have attended Margate City schools and are continuing their studies. The event also supports the MBA Children Fund in conjunction with the Margate schools which anonymously provides warm clothing, school supplies, food, eyeglasses, summer camp for latch key children, toys and more for local children.
Photo L-R: Daniel Walters, Maria Walters, Mary Wagner, Clare Brooks, MBA President Ed Berger, Margate Mayor Michael Collins, MBA Board member Paula Hartman